Meet the Archeologists at the Henny and James Freeman Site
Wednesday, March 29, 1 - 3 pm
The Academy Art Museum has acquired the properties at 106, 108 and 110 Talbot Lane for the creation of an annex, thanks to a generous donation. Archeologists are working to uncover evidence from the occupation of this property by Henny and James Freeman, ca. 1787-1828. The Freemans were free African Americans who purchased half an acre in this location and established a home there, with livestock and gardens that sustained them during the early development of The Hill African American community in Easton.
On Wednesday, March 29 from 1 – 3 pm, community members are invited to the site (106 Talbot Lane) to meet the archeologists and AAM staff to learn about the initial findings, and the Museum’s plans for the property.
This project is being carried out by The Ottery Group on behalf of the Academy Art Museum and is generously supported by Diz Hormel.