Blanche Lazzell Art Cart – August 8
Thursday, August 8, 5 - 7 pm

Dates: Thursdays, 5 – 7 pm, August 8 – October 17
Spanish Instruction: Thursday, 5 – 7 pm, August 22, September 19 and October 17
Learn about pioneering modernist artist Blanche Lazzell and get inspired! Throughout the run of the exhibition Blanche Lazzell: Becoming an American Modernist, a mobile art cart will be activated every Thursday from 5 to 7 PM for drop-in artmaking with a Teaching Artist, who will show visitors how to create collages inspired by Lazzell’s artwork. This program will be offered in Spanish on August 22, September 19, and October 17. Visitors with disabilities may request a session adapted to their accessibility needs.
Blanche Lazzell: Becoming an American Modernist is organized by the Art Museum of West Virginia University and generously supported by Art Bridges.
Detail: Blanche Lazzell, Church Around the Corner, 1949, oil on canvas, Art Museum of West Virginia University Collection Acquired through Frances Sellers