Expressive Landscape Painting in Oil
Oct 14, 2022 - Oct 16, 2022
Instructor: Bernard Dellario
Three-Day Workshop: October 14, 15 and 16
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Drawing Studio
Cost: $210 Members, $250 Non-members
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This class offers students the opportunity to study tools and techniques to allow for personal expression in their landscape painting. On the first day students will go through a series of exercises to unlock their intuitive painting skills. On the following two days, they will utilize these skills in their finished painting(s) by using their own photo references. This class requires students to have a good grasp of the oil painting medium. Maximum of 10 students.
Bernard Dellario earned a bachelor’s degree from Kings College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania with emphasis on finance and art history. He studied Art at the Art League School in Alexandria, Virginia and attended several workshops with nationally known artists. Since 2003 he has been a member and current President of the Washington Society of Landscape Painters, one of the oldest active artist organizations in the Washington area.
Bernard teaches painting classes through several venues, has won national awards, and exhibits throughout the Maryland Eastern Shore and Washington, DC region.