Photography: Art of Seeing Creatively
Mar 2, 2023 - Mar 23, 2023
Instructor: Sahm Doherty-Sefton
Four Weeks: March 2, 9, 16 and 23
5:30–7:30 pm
Painting Studio
Cost: $200 Members, $240 Non-members
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Photography isn’t as hard as students may think! Participants will discover the possibilities of digital imagining through understanding what all the dials, buttons, and wheels on their cameras do. They will explore how light, color, and creative composition add new energy to their photographs and learn that capturing a sense of place and emotion in their images will lead to a personal photographic style. Through a step-by-step lecture, followed by viewing a presentation of works by masters of photography from Ansel Adams to Annie Leibovitz, students will learn how to effectively make the photographs they envision. Assignments and critiques will be offered. Maximum of 10 students.