Workshop: Alla Prima Still Life Painting
Dec 10, 2022 - Dec 11, 2022
Instructor: Bernard Dellario
Two-Day Workshop: December 10 and 11
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Painting Studio
Cost: $190 Members, $240 Non-members
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Alla prima means “at first attempt.” The expression is used mainly in oil painting and involves finishing a picture while the paint is still wet. It is suited to subjects that need to be painted quickly, such as a perishable still life. Participants will have the opportunity to focus on the fundamentals of oil painting. Strong emphasis will be placed on seeing basic abstract shapes, understanding values, and observation of the play of light on the subject and composition. Students may work in the medium of their choice. There will also be discussion on methods for setting up reference materials and lighting. Maximum of 8 students.
Bernard Dellario earned a bachelor’s degree from Kings College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania with emphasis on finance and art history. He studied Art at the Art League School in Alexandria, Virginia and attended several workshops with nationally known artists. Since 2003 he has been a member and current President of the Washington Society of Landscape Painters, one of the oldest active artist organizations in the Washington area.
Bernard teaches painting classes through several venues, has won national awards, and exhibits throughout the Maryland Eastern Shore and Washington, DC region.