Stretching Before Sketching: Watercolor Basics
Saturday, September 23
Instructor: Mary Ford
One-Day Workshop: September 23
Saturday, 10 am-3 pm
Painting Studio
Cost: $95 Members, $110 Non-members
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“Watercolor is too hard for me” is a comment the instructor often hears. Balderdash! Watercolor is exciting, brilliant, spontaneous, sometimes maddening, and so much fun. Knowing how to prep, what materials to use, and understanding the basic properties of the paint will help students get dynamic results. How about paint? Tube or not tube? Oh, and the brushes! From big squishy mops to delicate swords and points. Through demos, hands-on exercises, paper prep and discussion, students will explore getting their hands wet with watercolor. Minimum of 5 students, maximum of 12.